Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Billy Guerin's Will to Win; Penguin Signings

Bill Guerin and Craig Adams have already shown that they will take another run at the cup over money any day. A "sign" of things to come, literally; they both took signficantly less money than they could have received from several other teams, for the chance to get their names on the cup once more. Both of these guys are tough customers with great hockey I.Q. and have won a combination of 4 cups (09 included) in their careers.

I personally love these two players, and their will to win has been proved on and off the ice. Guerin signed a one year, 2 million deal in what could be his last year in the NHL. Why not spend it playing on a line with sid the kid? Adams signed a 2 year, 550,000 per year deal to keep him holding down a solid 4th line for the Pens. The Adams signing means that Mike Zigomanis will probably not return next year, and although his faceoff skills will be missed, Adams' toughness is what defines a reliable 4th line.

Ray Shero has done a great job so far in terms of not overspending, but there are still plenty of moves to be made this offseason. Rob Scuderi is a big question mark, and will test the market before reporting back to the Pens, but he has given every notification that he will take some type of hometown discount to stay.

The way this penguins team struggled and bonded this year, especially coming out of the season victorious, every player is willing to sacrifice some buck to stay in the burgh. July 1st is the start of free agency signing, so i'm looking for Fedetenko to be resigned fairly quickly, especially because of his clutch performance in the postseason. If Shero can sign either Ruslan Fedetenko or Rob Scuderi to smaller deal, the team will be in even better shape than last year.

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