Thursday, July 30, 2009

Please Do Not Say You Are Surprised

If there is one thing we should have learned by now as a baseball fan it is that the entire era was tainted by steroids. Forget all those wonderful feelings of purity and pride and everything else baseball evokes; Major League Baseball did not care.

This morning's report that Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz tested positive in 2003 really does not have the shock value anymore. This list, that was supposed to remain quiet, has torn down A-Rod already and now it has done its share of damage of Ortiz. You have to wonder who else is on there and when the next names will leak... but does it really matter?

All you really all you have to do is look at Ortiz's numbers to know something was going on. From 1997 to 2002 Ortiz never hit more than 20 dingers. In 2003 he hit 31, 2004 41, 2005 he knocked 47, and in 2006 a whopping 54 bombs.

This really cannot taint the World Series titles of the Red Sox because steroids was a apart of the era. Just accept it. The players are not evil; we are talking about their lively hood. If there was a pill you could take that could guarantee you a huge promotion at work your saying you wouldn't talk it because it is unfair? No you bet your ass your popping pills. As Buzz Bissinger put it "If I could take a pill that would make me John Grisham I'm there. I'm f---king there."

The home run saved baseball. Don't kid yourself because Sosa and McGwire's home run race in 1997 brought the fans back after the strike. Baseball made the home run god and this is what we got. So if you really want to point fingers then send them in the direction of the owners and league but you just have to accept it. The league turned a blind eye in the name of profits but freaking out every time a big name breaks out is just pointless.

I stand by the idea that only one name could shock now and it is Albert Pujols. He has constantly screamed that he is clean and fans can trust him. At this point I do believe him because he has put together six of the best all-around seasons right from the start. He has been consistent and basically great and I want to trust in baseball again.

Americans have this idea that athletes should be pure and we turn them into modern Greek Gods. Forget it. If you honestly believe that then you have bigger problems then steroids.

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